Blackjack Betting Strategies – Blackjack Betting Strategies & Card Counting

Blackjack Betting Strategies - Blackjack Betting Strategies & Card Counting

If you play blackjack with any sort of consistency you will eventually encounter the use of card counting. Card counting is the process of mentally subtracting the number of cards remaining from the number of cards dealt from the deck. Once you know the count you can increase your bets accordingly. This is used to gain the edge against the casino. Counting is illegal in most casinos, but it is not unheard of in places like Las Vegas, Atlantic City etc.

Casinos battle card counters by setting rules so that they are unable to card count at blackjack tables. Card counting is not 100% foolproof, but with the right skills and techniques you can gain the edge. There are many different techniques to make the card counting process easier, such as the Red Seven Method, and the Hi Lo Card Counting method.

The Hi Lo Card Counting process is started with one or two cards dealt face up, and then the player keeps track of the total number of cards. The cards are then put back, and the count is begun from the beginning. The logic behind this method is simpler than the Red Seven. Basically, if the dealer has a higher card total than the player, then the dealer is more likely to bust. However, there are more higher cards in the deck, and so the opposite is true.

To some card counters, this has become a little misleading. On the surface card counting appears to offer a straightforward method of gaining the edge against the casino. However, when you learn to count cards, you will find that this is not the case. Card counting is not 100% foolproof, but with the right skills and techniques, then you will be able to win at MPO500.

First, you need to learn the basic principle. When you are counting cards, you are assign a point value to each card in the deck. The plus sign means that the card is more likely to come out than the minus sign. The number of cards remaining in the deck after card counting, is the count. The higher the count number, the more high cards are left in the deck. When the deck is represented by a zero, meaning that there are more large cards, the deck isRepresented. In card counting, cards with a value of 5 or 6 are given a value of plus 1. Cards 7, 8, and 9 receive a value of minus 1. As the cards are dealt, you keep a running count. The higher the running count total, there are more large cards (teasers) or more low cards (club cards). So, the logic is that the more cards in the deck, the more high cards are left, and the deck is more likely to bust.

To learn how to count cards, you need to study the deck in play. You need to observe, and be able to make some observations about the cards in the deck. These cards are the “discards”. You need to know the difference between a high card and a low card when you are counting cards. For instance, if you see a deck with several large cards, and many small cards, then there are more high cards, and fewer low cards left in the deck.

When you see questionable cards in the discard pile, you will need to add them up, and remember them. Then, you have to discard just the top cards from the deck, and bet on the remaining cards in your hand. This is just a beginner’s strategy. With more practice, you will be able to beat a game with this type of strategy. But, the objective is to win. Therefore, you have to learn how to count cards, so that you can have a better betting strategy.

Before you bet on blackjack during live play, you need to learn how to bet. There are many bets available, and each has a different payoff. Before you bet on blackjack during live play, you need to learn all of the possible bets. Each bet has its own payoff. The safest bet is betting on blackjack when the dealer’s up card is an Ace. This will have the lowest payoff, but you will be at slightly greater than 50% chance. If the dealer’s up card is a 10-valued card, or a face card, then the payout will be around 70%.
